A homily given 10/15/2023
I’m reminded of some years ago, on a Monday morning, I came to talk to Fr. Alexander Atty, my spiritual father, about this parable. I said, “Father, I’m afraid I am the seed that falls on the rocks. I believe, but when temptation comes I fall away from what I believe.” Father Atty looked at me and said, “Wait until you’re my age and you realize that within your own heart is every type of soil.”
Every time I read the parable now I realize just how profound his point was.
Throughout our lives Christ comes to sow his seed in us. As he goes some of His seed lands on the path and doesn’t get through the tough soil, some lands on rocky soil and springs up but dries out due to lack of soil. Some land among thorns and cares and concerns make them not take root. But, some lands on good soil, it is nurtured and grows in a good and patient heart.
This gives us a real insight into what we are doing here at Church and the key to how to live our lives minute to minute.
Christ says that the seed he sows is His word. The words of Jesus, the Bible, is the seed that takes root in our heart. If our life is to grow any good spiritual plant in our heart, we have to hear His words.
Bible reading and coming to Church is really crucial then. We can’t become what God wants us to become if we are not receiving the seed of His words into our ears and hearts.
Really, the whole rest of the parable means nothing if we aren’t reading and hearing the Bible.
We need to get as much of God’s word in our hearts as possible. Daily Bible Reading and Frequent Church attendance are required for us to grow spiritually.
If we are studying the Bible frequently then we will find that the word lands on our hearts differently. Some of the words will blow by us, some will be interesting but we will fail to keep them for whatever reason, Some we will hear, but then as soon as a temptation arises we’ll fall.
This is life. One of the biggest hindrances to growing spiritually is over analyzing ourselves, paying too much attention to all the stuff we aren’t doing right, or assigning meaning to our negative thoughts and actions. We can get caught up in the thought, “I should be better than that,” or worse, “I’m just like that, I’ll never change.” Sometimes we even condemn ourselves, “Well if thats what God requires, I don’t think I’m gonna make it.”
This kind of negative thinking only has one place: confession. That’s it. If we feel that way let’s confess it to God, and tell Him we’re sorry. But otherwise, we plug ahead. Why?
Because there is good soil in us too. Some of the words of God land on good soil, we practice a virtue, we keep the fast on Wednesday or Friday, we’re patient with ourselves and the slow growth of our spiritual life. This is the key according to Christ. We must hold His words with honesty and goodness, and let our spiritual plant grow patiently.
Our growth in Christ comes with patience, just like any plant grows. Imperceptibly, slowly, but truly. We won’t even see it growing. But, if we can take even the smallest aspect of a homily, a small saying from Christ, and try to do it for the day. If we will work on it honestly and with a good heart, if we give it time, it will grow. And with that, the other soil in our hearts will become softer, richer and more fertile. As we grow in humility through practicing virtue, then more and more soil is tilled, fertilized and made fertile.
Dear to Christ, this week let’s dedicate ourselves to reading our bible more. It can be the daily readings on Antiochian.org, or on a Bible app on our phones, ancient Faith radio even has podcasts where people read the Bible to us. Talk to me at coffee hour if you want help on how to get a hold of these apps.
But Bible reading can be during prayer time, or even just during a minute of down time. But we must make room in our lives for His word. Then with honesty, goodness, and patience, we need to take one little thing from our reading and try to do it as soon as we can and as often as we can that day. We need to take that opportunity to try to get that word in good soil. We hear it, and then we actively look for a way to do it. If we fail, then tomorrow is another day, tomorrow is another soil. But today, if we will hear his words, let us not harden our hearts, but seek a way to do them, and soften the soil of our salvation.