He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you,
but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8

Weekly Bible Study
At our weekly Bible Study, we focus on learning to see Christ in every detail of the Scriptures and how that applies to our daily life as Christians.
Bible study is held at 1pm on Tuesday afternoons each week.

Sunday School
Our mission is to prepare the children of St. Elias Church to become Christ-centered adults, by teaching the Orthodox Christian faith and planting the love of God in their hearts. Like all other ministries in the church, the ultimate purpose of our Sunday School is instilling in the hearts of our children the awareness of the importance of the Divine Liturgy and the Holy Communion in our life as Orthodox Christians.
St. Elias’ Sunday School aims also to raise a generation of God-loving Children and adults who will become good stewards of Christ. This will guarantee the continuity of our parish and its mission for generations to come.

Living the Orthodox Faith in Christ Through Worship, Witness, Service and Fellowship
We believe that the Teen SOYO Movement seeks to integrate each young person fully into the total life of the Church. SOYO brings its members to a deeper devotion to the Holy Orthodox Church, its faith, canons and worship.
Teen SOYO creates and fosters ministries to encourage members to commit themselves to living the Orthodox Faith daily. The combination of Worship, Witness, Service and Fellowship are the natural expressions of that commitment.
Good Samaritans
Christ fed the hungry, healed the sick and raised the dead because of His compassion, mercy and love. If the Church is to carry on His ministry, we need to minister to the needy and the suffering. That Jesus expected this of believers is evident in the parable of the good Samaritan.
Our mission is to radiate the love of Christ through serving others.