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Weekly Services

Wednesday: Daily Vespers at 6pm

Saturday: Great Vespers at 5pm​

Sunday: Orthros at 9am​ & Divine Liturgy at 10am

Confession: Saturday 4:30-5pm​ or by appointment



Welcome to St. Elias Antiochian Orthodox Church, we are glad you found us.  St. Elias is a local parish of the Church of Antioch, where "they were first called Christians," located just west of Toledo, Ohio in Sylvania. All services are celebrated primarily in English.


If you've found us because you are looking for the original Church of the Apostles, or because you are looking for a Church that lives and teaches the unchanged Biblical and Apostolic Faith, then you've found your new home.


At Saint Elias we follow the teachings, spiritual life, and worship laid down in the Scriptures by the ancient Christian Church in communion with the Orthodox around the world and throughout history. 


A brief look at upcoming services and events

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